Chromix is an augmented reality app about color theory that users can control with three paper cubes. The haptic and three-dimensional interaction with the cubes helps users with their learning experience. Other than a smartphone and paper users don't need anything else to use the app.
Chromix was built with Unity and Vuforia.
In cooperation with Elisaveta Liubcenco.
Link to presentation (german)
In three learning stations users learn in about RGB spaces and additive color mixing through visualization and solving tasks.
The Color Picker is an interactive 3D model for the RGB color space. It’s clear, comprehensive, compact and is intuitive in its structure, as well as in its interaction with the user.
A control cube is used as a base for the three-dimensional grid object consisting of a number of spheres, that are each selectable with a crosshair. The selected color is being shown on the cube’s spots, as well as in the RGB values that change in real time. To make it possible to explore the entire three-dimensional color space, the camera can also be moved inside the grid.
Due to performance and usability reasons not all colors in a RGB space (256³) are being shown, however this reduced depiction is still comprehensive and representative enough for the user to explore and learn.
The goal in this station is learning the intuitive but conscious handling of additive color mixing.
The three cubes that respectively represent the red, green and blue color channels, can be turned like regulator switches and the changes in color values are being shown in real-time on the cube itself and on the UI display. The resulting color from mixing all three color channels together is depicted in a separate UI circle.
The color values for the cubes are being defined by the rotation angle of the respective cubes in relation to the camera.
In Color Merge users can learn how colors in the RGB system are mixed additively. Floating on top of two cubes are two colored metaball constructs that have to be mixed together, to find the target color.
The target color is being depicted as a circle with a cross drag and drop cursor, that users can pull into the scene to match their mixed color with the target color. Additionally the target color can be changed with a button anytime, also resulting in the color options on the cubes to change as well.
As soon as the target color is found, a panel slides into the scene to inform users that the correct solution has been found and to proceed to the next target color.
The cubes can be turned to every of their six sides to change the color of the metaballs.
The turning mechanism that controls one of the metaball’s color values helps users get a better feeling for color values and mixing since they need to rely on their own perception to find the right colors.
A lot of experiments were made for the visual design of the paper cubes since the patterns on the separate faces needed to be recognizable well enough for Vuforia to provide a stable performance even with poor environmental conditions, such as bad lighting. A design system for all three cubes was devised since every cube face needed to be easily distinguishable by both, the target tracking and the users.